Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Parisians on a Sunny Day

The weather as of late hasn't been much to write home about.  Lots of rain, cloudy skies, and a chill in the air.  Most people stick to inside entertainment, and only go out in order to travel to and from work.  But when we happen to have a break in the nasty weather, the Parisians come out in droves.

A couple of weekends ago, we were blessed with sunny skies and temps in the 70s.  Dustin and I set out to take advantage of the sunny day, and ended up exploring a surprisingly beautiful park:  Parc des Buttes Chaumont.  We quickly discovered that we were not the only people in the city to have this idea!

View from the top!


  1. Holy cow, you'd think there was a concert going on!

  2. Makes me think of everyone laying out on the quad at Hanover when it was warmed. What I wouldn't give for a lazy afternoon laying out on the quad!
